Back from a small trip to Genting highland yesterday. To be frank, Genting highland is a very popular overseas destination where some people will go up 5-6 times a year. Adults who are over the age of 21 will go to Genting for Casino whereas for those who are under the age of 21 will go for entertainment like Karaoke, Bowling, Billiard, Arcade, Theme Park, watch movie and shopping. It's much cheaper than Singapore when you plays those there. Some views when going up to Genting, it's up up in the mountain de.
Had lunch at one of the restaurant there while waiting for check in.
After checking in the hotel, we went around for walk walk. Brought some keychain and a necklace. Went Arcade at night, play basketball and some other games. After that, went back hotel and sleep coz a bit tired.
Next day woke up at about 8+am and went to eat this restaurant call "Hao Wei". There's a waiter knocked into a boy and dropped all his cups. It's the boy fault. Went for Bowling section and dam it, I am very lously. The best is my uncle and my father..Strike many times ..shall practice it back in SG. Some views inside the shopping mall.
At night, went for magic show. Nice magic show that lasted for around 1hr 15min. The theatre before the show. During show, no photo taking allowed..So cannot take.
After show, went outside for walk walk. Cold ~~
loading a bit slow so I will just introduce my last day at the next post.
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