As I am typing this post, it's raining outside and everyone would be happy because raining in such a hot weather would cool everyone down. On Sunday, went to watch this Jack Neo movie "Being a human"; Typical Jack Neo's film which lots of his type of jokes inside and at the same time talking some about useful points we should noticed in our daily life. At this point with so many nice movie out there, I don't recommend this show unless you had nothing to watch.
Being a human: 2.5/5 stars
After that went to buy a ring which is the latest model according to the salesgirl there. Nowadays you know la those salesgirl out there are very good at talking, she kept taking out all the "new arrival" stuffs which I tot which part of my body told her "I am a millionaire"? It's the 2nd ring that I brought.
Passing the Basic Theory Test is a happy matter but I am going to faint because the Final Theory Test date had all been fully booked from March to April. Not a single date is available..OMG. I still don't know which day is my "off-day" for RP lesson therefore can't book any date and I really predict that the May slot had been fully booked once I know my schedule !!! It's dam fast..So for this 1 month plus, I can't do anything except studying just for the FTT -.-.
Playing Wonderking at the moment..Come play wif me !! Very boring playing alone.

^^ Window mode SS.
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