Saturday, June 2, 2012

Yo readers ANother week gone with nothing extrodinary things happening. Booked out on Friday and will be booking in on Sunday at 1940pm. Went to Chevrons to buy some stuff needed for field camp. Wed - Sat is field camp which I kinda looking forward to complete this. I think I did not waste time going back Tekong because other than learning more things, I expand my social network. I meet people with more different characters and with different backgrounds. This gives me an edge over others when I step into the working society. Other than buying thos army stuff, I also brought some snacks for monday and tuesday since wed is field camp. I also will be bringing in monopoly deal to play with my bunk mate. The next time I write an entry to this blog is probably the same time as today with a completion of field camp which is consider one of the major activities of Re-BMT.

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