Yo readers
Weekends !!!!! TGIF !! hahaz, a new short term I found it useful whenever it's friday. Friday's lesson is always very interesting because it's Marketing module which there is on right or wrong answer in your solution, you just need to justify your solution and if you answer any questions posted by either classmate or faci, you win via countering.
Today's Marketing module let us to had a look on RP's research lab which is very very good and cool. There are 5 desktops which had the latest device and headset for you to collect information during research. There is another eye test software in one of the desktop to enable researcher to know where you focusing on when looking at a picture so sometimes if you see a magazine cover with all the words on a particular side, it's not because putting there makes it nicer or wad, it is because they had this test to find out where most of the people focusing on. Follow on is the observant room. We are divided into 2 group; 1 of the group went inside to a meeting room and another group went into the observant room. Observant room is room that enables you to observe what's is going on in the meeting room. This is call focus group. There are sound detectors and videos around the meeting room. Even a slightest pin of drop can be recorded. It's very cool..you can see what's going on in the meeting without them knowing they are being observed. In the observant room, there is a control whereby you can zoom it to a peron's hp and look what is it and it's very clear.
So BPL action again !!!! weekends!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Yo readers
School started for 2 weeks and many would had settled down and concentrate on getting A in their every module. For year 2 students, they will be focusing on their PP module and for year 3 student, they will be concentrating on their FYP. So far so good for me, I felt that if you are in year 3, the class will not as siao as in year 1 whereby everyday during breakout, my classroom will be empty and everyone will be going down for breakfast. At Year 3, more than half of my classmate will be in the classroom doing their worksheet..
I finally got my first A, which is come from Business Modelling Process. So far there are 7 daily grades out. I got 1 A, 5 Bs, 1 C. HAIZ
School started for 2 weeks and many would had settled down and concentrate on getting A in their every module. For year 2 students, they will be focusing on their PP module and for year 3 student, they will be concentrating on their FYP. So far so good for me, I felt that if you are in year 3, the class will not as siao as in year 1 whereby everyday during breakout, my classroom will be empty and everyone will be going down for breakfast. At Year 3, more than half of my classmate will be in the classroom doing their worksheet..
I finally got my first A, which is come from Business Modelling Process. So far there are 7 daily grades out. I got 1 A, 5 Bs, 1 C. HAIZ
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Yo readers
Lesson went as per normal and finally it comes to weekend. I will went for driving practical whenever I had the time and weekend would probably the only free time I had ever since school re-open. There is a wed and I will try to put aside some of the time for driving lesson because there is still FYP to worry about.
Today I attended my 4th driving practical and I got to taste driving on roads and not circuit anymore. It's not that hard but not that easy either because driving on roads need to take care alot of things and not just drive as you like. There are buses, pedestrian, motorbike, trucks, road work,etc. I went around the bukit batok around 5-6 times. Not bad just that turning need to practise more. Engine stall on some occasion but overall it's a good experience.
Weekend coming means BPL action and Although Arsenal hope of clinching the title is very small or none actually for some people, I hope that Arsenal still put in 100% effort in their remaining match and get at least a 2nd to play the community shield next season xD
Lesson went as per normal and finally it comes to weekend. I will went for driving practical whenever I had the time and weekend would probably the only free time I had ever since school re-open. There is a wed and I will try to put aside some of the time for driving lesson because there is still FYP to worry about.
Today I attended my 4th driving practical and I got to taste driving on roads and not circuit anymore. It's not that hard but not that easy either because driving on roads need to take care alot of things and not just drive as you like. There are buses, pedestrian, motorbike, trucks, road work,etc. I went around the bukit batok around 5-6 times. Not bad just that turning need to practise more. Engine stall on some occasion but overall it's a good experience.
Weekend coming means BPL action and Although Arsenal hope of clinching the title is very small or none actually for some people, I hope that Arsenal still put in 100% effort in their remaining match and get at least a 2nd to play the community shield next season xD
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Yo readers
Class went on as per normal. Attended the first lesson for both IT project management and Business Process Modelling. Overall, I think that this 2 modules seem interesting and at the same time important to us because what we learn now is very useful when we are out in the working society.
IT project management is a module that teaches us something related to management of business project. Most of the project will be IT related, I still don't know what are the project coz it's only the first lesson so I looking forward to it.
Business Process Modelling is a module that teaches us like steps to plan a business. We learn the basic step in planning out a business so that it will be organised and easier to amend whenever you had a mistake in each stages.
Been to 2 meeting for my FYP and I must said after listening to what my advisor had said, I think that it's not as stressful as I think. My project is related to a volunteer servicing company which we will help them to do a website. If we had been selected, they will implement our system and we might get reward for it ( I think so) and our project will be in showcase. My initial though is that I might as well not had been selected because it will be stressful if you kana selected (Nid to hand up proposal first then they select proposal). Advisor said that if you nv kana selected so will not get lously grade so it's ok lor.
Thanks to my dad, I finally had a Itouch after a long period of time hehe xD. Not only me have la, my bro and my mum both have LOL..So now my family hot with Itouch. Anyone who know how to play with Itouch, pls contact me leh to teach me TY.
Class went on as per normal. Attended the first lesson for both IT project management and Business Process Modelling. Overall, I think that this 2 modules seem interesting and at the same time important to us because what we learn now is very useful when we are out in the working society.
IT project management is a module that teaches us something related to management of business project. Most of the project will be IT related, I still don't know what are the project coz it's only the first lesson so I looking forward to it.
Business Process Modelling is a module that teaches us like steps to plan a business. We learn the basic step in planning out a business so that it will be organised and easier to amend whenever you had a mistake in each stages.
Been to 2 meeting for my FYP and I must said after listening to what my advisor had said, I think that it's not as stressful as I think. My project is related to a volunteer servicing company which we will help them to do a website. If we had been selected, they will implement our system and we might get reward for it ( I think so) and our project will be in showcase. My initial though is that I might as well not had been selected because it will be stressful if you kana selected (Nid to hand up proposal first then they select proposal). Advisor said that if you nv kana selected so will not get lously grade so it's ok lor.
Thanks to my dad, I finally had a Itouch after a long period of time hehe xD. Not only me have la, my bro and my mum both have LOL..So now my family hot with Itouch. Anyone who know how to play with Itouch, pls contact me leh to teach me TY.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Yo readers
I went shopping this weekend which I haven really did a very long time, I don't really like shopping unless I wanna buy things that I want, so Saturday morning went Chinatown with family to search for my Money Notes which I had collect. I nv buy coz the price is too high, 1 $5 classic note like $59 which is rather expensive. I switched target to Razor mouse..I went Sim Lim and Brought 3 razor mouse; 1 for usage and 2 for collection. I also brought A razor mousepad.

Basically is Copperhead (Using), Imperator and Abyssus and also brought a shorts at OG.
After that went to Bukit Timah to eat steamboat ..nice nice

Home sweet home after that :)
I went shopping this weekend which I haven really did a very long time, I don't really like shopping unless I wanna buy things that I want, so Saturday morning went Chinatown with family to search for my Money Notes which I had collect. I nv buy coz the price is too high, 1 $5 classic note like $59 which is rather expensive. I switched target to Razor mouse..I went Sim Lim and Brought 3 razor mouse; 1 for usage and 2 for collection. I also brought A razor mousepad.
Basically is Copperhead (Using), Imperator and Abyssus and also brought a shorts at OG.
After that went to Bukit Timah to eat steamboat ..nice nice
Home sweet home after that :)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Yo readers
The FYP had started since the opening day of schl which is 15th April. I had been allocated to some project regarding creating of website for a community service company, I don't really know much about community service thingy. The skills required are mostly what we learnt previous year..like HTML, PHP,etc.
I arranged for the 1st meeting at 20th April and another one at 21th April which both meeting will be situated at library which the I still not quite sure about the exact location.
I hope to get a gd grade for FYP so that it will benefits me either for applying of Uni or applying for a job..because what they will be looking is whatever project you had done and FYP is something they will be looking out for. IF your FYP is selected by company to be use then bosses will know that you are capable of bringing in business for them..so JiaYOu !
The FYP had started since the opening day of schl which is 15th April. I had been allocated to some project regarding creating of website for a community service company, I don't really know much about community service thingy. The skills required are mostly what we learnt previous year..like HTML, PHP,etc.
I arranged for the 1st meeting at 20th April and another one at 21th April which both meeting will be situated at library which the I still not quite sure about the exact location.
I hope to get a gd grade for FYP so that it will benefits me either for applying of Uni or applying for a job..because what they will be looking is whatever project you had done and FYP is something they will be looking out for. IF your FYP is selected by company to be use then bosses will know that you are capable of bringing in business for them..so JiaYOu !
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Yo readers
RP is the earliest poly in Singapore the start the semester because RP started holiday earlier LOL. Since it's a new year, there will be new student intake for RP and I am surprised to see that there are more students coming to RP than those previous year. Even while going for lunch, I can see long queue in ALL of the canteen and during dismissal time, the school is crowded of students walking. This is my first time see-ing so many students in this school, surely either RP had risen over the past year.
My first lesson for today is Human Resource Information System which is about HR of course but at the same time it also about storing of database tingy. Learnt about drawing organisational charts and how to prepare an application form for recruitment. As stated in previous post, I had only known 2-3 friends in this class and obviously, it's quite new to me in this class, some of the classmate had known each other and therefore they can chit chat straight away. We group according to where we are sitting and of course we will sat with classmate that we familiar with so therefore didn't really get to know my classmate for today.
It was raining heavily after school and it's the first day of school =.=. Coincidently met SS and his friend, walked together and the overhead bridge so super crowded with people zzzzz...need to queue up de..wtf..LOL..RP take too many students le la..then walked slowly to the interchage..Walao..totally tired just by walking liao..Luckily I go umbrella..hehehe..can share share use LOL xD..
Hope tmr will be a better day xD
PS: Arsenal had lost 2-1 to Tottenham at white hart lane which smashed Arsenal's hope of winning the BPL title..zzzz..I think no chance le hor unless both Man Utd and Chelsea drop pts and Arsenal won't drop pts.
RP is the earliest poly in Singapore the start the semester because RP started holiday earlier LOL. Since it's a new year, there will be new student intake for RP and I am surprised to see that there are more students coming to RP than those previous year. Even while going for lunch, I can see long queue in ALL of the canteen and during dismissal time, the school is crowded of students walking. This is my first time see-ing so many students in this school, surely either RP had risen over the past year.
My first lesson for today is Human Resource Information System which is about HR of course but at the same time it also about storing of database tingy. Learnt about drawing organisational charts and how to prepare an application form for recruitment. As stated in previous post, I had only known 2-3 friends in this class and obviously, it's quite new to me in this class, some of the classmate had known each other and therefore they can chit chat straight away. We group according to where we are sitting and of course we will sat with classmate that we familiar with so therefore didn't really get to know my classmate for today.
It was raining heavily after school and it's the first day of school =.=. Coincidently met SS and his friend, walked together and the overhead bridge so super crowded with people zzzzz...need to queue up de..wtf..LOL..RP take too many students le la..then walked slowly to the interchage..Walao..totally tired just by walking liao..Luckily I go umbrella..hehehe..can share share use LOL xD..
Hope tmr will be a better day xD
PS: Arsenal had lost 2-1 to Tottenham at white hart lane which smashed Arsenal's hope of winning the BPL title..zzzz..I think no chance le hor unless both Man Utd and Chelsea drop pts and Arsenal won't drop pts.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Yo reader
There's lots of king in this world whereby people will labelled them as King because they do something that what we human being cannot perform or do. This can be in any area; Performing, Martial art, Dance, Talking,etc. Let me introduce some of the well-known "King" in this world. Most of them sadly had passed away..If u ever notice, those highly labelled as "king" seems to pass away at a very young stage...Like Bruce, MJ, Elvis...sad..If they still alive, they will bring us even more better movies and songs.
King of Rock - Elvis Presley
I mean without him, the music industry will not be that rock ..he is one of the few to start with rock songs but sadly had died at a very young age.
King of POP - Michael Jackson
Without him, we can't listen to song like Billie Jean, Black and White, You are not alone,etc and without him, no one will ever dance perfectly ..!
King of Martial art (Original Vocal) - Bruce Lee
Without him, we Chinese martial art will not be that popular and many people will look down on Chinese thinking we Chinese are noob. (The first Chinese to enter Hollywood).
King of Soccer - Pele
Without him, no one will ever know how football should be played..He is truly one of the football legend and till now, even Messi are still way behind Pele..The first ever player to score 1000 goals.
King of Wrestling - Undertaker
I mean if you ever ask or chat about Wrestling, most of the people would recognise Undertaker because of his fierce face and the popularity he had made in WWE.
Undetaker's Entrance
King of Stunts - Jackie Chan
Without him, we cannot see nice stunts LOL..he is the greatest stunts man I ever see.
Below are those who can consider maybe one of the best or their popularity had reached another level that everyone knew him once you flashed his name out.
John Cena (Wrestling)
Rain (K-POP)
Jay Chou (Taiwan Singer)
David Beckham (Soccer)
The list will go on and on..so shall stop here.
There's lots of king in this world whereby people will labelled them as King because they do something that what we human being cannot perform or do. This can be in any area; Performing, Martial art, Dance, Talking,etc. Let me introduce some of the well-known "King" in this world. Most of them sadly had passed away..If u ever notice, those highly labelled as "king" seems to pass away at a very young stage...Like Bruce, MJ, Elvis...sad..If they still alive, they will bring us even more better movies and songs.
King of Rock - Elvis Presley
I mean without him, the music industry will not be that rock ..he is one of the few to start with rock songs but sadly had died at a very young age.
King of POP - Michael Jackson
Without him, we can't listen to song like Billie Jean, Black and White, You are not alone,etc and without him, no one will ever dance perfectly ..!
King of Martial art (Original Vocal) - Bruce Lee
Without him, we Chinese martial art will not be that popular and many people will look down on Chinese thinking we Chinese are noob. (The first Chinese to enter Hollywood).
King of Soccer - Pele
Without him, no one will ever know how football should be played..He is truly one of the football legend and till now, even Messi are still way behind Pele..The first ever player to score 1000 goals.
King of Wrestling - Undertaker
I mean if you ever ask or chat about Wrestling, most of the people would recognise Undertaker because of his fierce face and the popularity he had made in WWE.
Undetaker's Entrance
King of Stunts - Jackie Chan
Without him, we cannot see nice stunts LOL..he is the greatest stunts man I ever see.
Below are those who can consider maybe one of the best or their popularity had reached another level that everyone knew him once you flashed his name out.
John Cena (Wrestling)
Rain (K-POP)
Jay Chou (Taiwan Singer)
David Beckham (Soccer)
The list will go on and on..so shall stop here.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Yo readers
This is my first time attending my first practical driving training, there are about 25 lessons to attend depending how much you can absorb in 1 lesson. 1 lesson is 100 minutes and I went for morning today which is at 9.50am.
I reached half and hour before the training starts and went to print my allocation slip. After knowing which car number I should be using, I sat down there and wait until 9.50 where the session starts.
Since it's the first lesson, I will be starting off with some basic like getting familiarised with the compartments, knowing every single thing inside a car; Everything is installed for a purpose. After knowing all the stuff inside, the instructor began by teaching me how to move the car. For Manual car, there is a cluch pedal and you need to find the biting point in order to move off. I can't really catch the biting point simply without looking at the tachometer. I don't know why my left leg keep shaking whenever I start to control the cluch pedal. After a few times, although it can move but still unstable about the biting point. After you catch the biting point, the car moves and slowly you can release your clutch pedal and just concentrating on your accelerator pedal which is super sensitive. I go around the circuit a few times before finishing my first ever practical lesson.
I still need to practise more on my "half clutch technique" because it's quite important..o.O
3 more days before the schl re-open, suddenly the LEO going maintenance again, I don't know the class I seen on Sat still the same nt xD so tmr double confirm again.
This is my first time attending my first practical driving training, there are about 25 lessons to attend depending how much you can absorb in 1 lesson. 1 lesson is 100 minutes and I went for morning today which is at 9.50am.
I reached half and hour before the training starts and went to print my allocation slip. After knowing which car number I should be using, I sat down there and wait until 9.50 where the session starts.
Since it's the first lesson, I will be starting off with some basic like getting familiarised with the compartments, knowing every single thing inside a car; Everything is installed for a purpose. After knowing all the stuff inside, the instructor began by teaching me how to move the car. For Manual car, there is a cluch pedal and you need to find the biting point in order to move off. I can't really catch the biting point simply without looking at the tachometer. I don't know why my left leg keep shaking whenever I start to control the cluch pedal. After a few times, although it can move but still unstable about the biting point. After you catch the biting point, the car moves and slowly you can release your clutch pedal and just concentrating on your accelerator pedal which is super sensitive. I go around the circuit a few times before finishing my first ever practical lesson.
I still need to practise more on my "half clutch technique" because it's quite important..o.O
3 more days before the schl re-open, suddenly the LEO going maintenance again, I don't know the class I seen on Sat still the same nt xD so tmr double confirm again.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Yo readers
The new schedule for Year 3 Semester 1 is out and hopefully my classmates are those that likes to crack jokes so that I will not be boring. It would be rather boring if no one crack jokes with me :( There are 2-3 familiar faces only so I had many new faces and names to memorise as different module have a bit of change of classmates. This will be my first time having lesson at E block. I always had lesson at W block, E44E and W67D wil be my 2 new classroom that I will be going for the next 15 weeks.
I will had my so called "off-day" at Wednesday which is a nice date la. 2 days study 2 day rest and my lessons start at either 9.15am or 9.45am so it's rather a nice timing for those who always late. For me, nothing will change my routine, I will still wake up as per normal just that I will be stepping out my house a bit late than previous year. I can take my own sweet time but I am sure I will be still be the top 1-2 to reach my class..CONFIRMED.
I will be starting my Practical training on Monday and I am looking forward to it, hopefully I can smoothly attend all the training and get my license.
The new schedule for Year 3 Semester 1 is out and hopefully my classmates are those that likes to crack jokes so that I will not be boring. It would be rather boring if no one crack jokes with me :( There are 2-3 familiar faces only so I had many new faces and names to memorise as different module have a bit of change of classmates. This will be my first time having lesson at E block. I always had lesson at W block, E44E and W67D wil be my 2 new classroom that I will be going for the next 15 weeks.
I will had my so called "off-day" at Wednesday which is a nice date la. 2 days study 2 day rest and my lessons start at either 9.15am or 9.45am so it's rather a nice timing for those who always late. For me, nothing will change my routine, I will still wake up as per normal just that I will be stepping out my house a bit late than previous year. I can take my own sweet time but I am sure I will be still be the top 1-2 to reach my class..CONFIRMED.
I will be starting my Practical training on Monday and I am looking forward to it, hopefully I can smoothly attend all the training and get my license.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Yo readers
Tick tock tick tock, the holiday is gonna over soon and a boring Year 3 is gonna to arrive.
Anyway, wed went town with Criz and Rei. It's been a long time since we had met, we walked around town and decided to catch a movie. We wanted to watch Shutter Islands but it's full in cinelesuire so we went to Plaza sing but GV doesn't had this movie. After much consideration, we decided to watch "Ju-on, black ghost and white ghost". If those who you don't know about this movie, here's the trailer.
It's a horror movie but overall it doesn't really seem that horror than expected. A bit confusing because the way the show the scene of the story is different. If you had nothing to watch, this is the movie you can had a watch..the thing they separated the movie into 2 parts because there is a story for both black and white ghost.
After movie went to Taka to had Seoul Garden, never eat too much but had a nice dinner..then went back home.
Tick tock tick tock, the holiday is gonna over soon and a boring Year 3 is gonna to arrive.
Anyway, wed went town with Criz and Rei. It's been a long time since we had met, we walked around town and decided to catch a movie. We wanted to watch Shutter Islands but it's full in cinelesuire so we went to Plaza sing but GV doesn't had this movie. After much consideration, we decided to watch "Ju-on, black ghost and white ghost". If those who you don't know about this movie, here's the trailer.
It's a horror movie but overall it doesn't really seem that horror than expected. A bit confusing because the way the show the scene of the story is different. If you had nothing to watch, this is the movie you can had a watch..the thing they separated the movie into 2 parts because there is a story for both black and white ghost.
After movie went to Taka to had Seoul Garden, never eat too much but had a nice dinner..then went back home.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Yo readers
If you are not a soccer fan, pls ignore this post because it will be talking about the match Barcelona vs Arsenal.
To be frank, there is seriously not much difference between this 2 clubs, both of them played beautiful football with nice passes and skills. The only difference is that they had exceptional players to complete the beautiful football. I watched the match yesterday and I had to said Barcelona is the best team in the Europe currently. Messi alone will be a super hard task to handle. I realised that yesterday Messi was given too much space, you cannot give Messi a lot of space to do his tricks, running and shooting. If you looked at the 4 goals that Messi scored, Arsenal did not guard Messi well enough and Arsenal was being punished for that.
Beside Messi who can make a difference, Barcelona had Xavi, Keita, Inestia, Pedro, etc to play passes with Messi. You can't man mark Messi because this will leave spaces for the likes of Ibrahimovic, Henry or Xavi to have a shot on the goal. Every player in Barcelona is fantastic. The only weakness I can think of is their defence, I strongly believe that Barcelona's defence doesn't like players like Torres, Drogba because they used physical strength and not speed to play football. Alves and Maxwell are all players that can deal with speed. Pique, Marquez, Puyol, Milito too can deal players with speed and technique, what they cannot handle is the physical strength of the playes whereby they will used their body to shield to prevent them from tackling, once a striker can use physical strength to shield the ball, supporting players can run up to the field to provide assist or to allow the striker to make a killer pass. With this type of striker, winger can also pump in crosses hopefully for striker to use his physical strength to head it.
Arsenal do had this type of player, Bendtner is one of the player to be look out for. He had the height and the strength, what he lack is the speed and technique to run past defenders, he still lack a bit of big match experience and he is just 22 years old. There's a saying; If you had the speed, you can play football, that is true. Speed is always the top priority in soccer, Walcott is the type of players where even Barcelona's defenders might fear of IF he had also the skills and vision. Walcott speed is amazing but he lack skills, he can run with the ball and no defenders can win him but you can't always take the ball and just run, you need to use skills to go past defenders or play a nice pass to your team-mate.
I mean I do understand the situation at Arsenal right now, there are too many injuries concern. Many people will think that it is normal for Arsenal to lose to Barcelona with this type of Margin. IF you seriously sit down and think of it, what if Fabregas, Alex Song, Van Persie, Arshavin and Gallas are all in the starting line-up??? Arsenal do had the chance too! Wenger do need to buy some quality back-ups. I do suggest Arsenal to buy Edin Dzeko.
If you are not a soccer fan, pls ignore this post because it will be talking about the match Barcelona vs Arsenal.
To be frank, there is seriously not much difference between this 2 clubs, both of them played beautiful football with nice passes and skills. The only difference is that they had exceptional players to complete the beautiful football. I watched the match yesterday and I had to said Barcelona is the best team in the Europe currently. Messi alone will be a super hard task to handle. I realised that yesterday Messi was given too much space, you cannot give Messi a lot of space to do his tricks, running and shooting. If you looked at the 4 goals that Messi scored, Arsenal did not guard Messi well enough and Arsenal was being punished for that.
Beside Messi who can make a difference, Barcelona had Xavi, Keita, Inestia, Pedro, etc to play passes with Messi. You can't man mark Messi because this will leave spaces for the likes of Ibrahimovic, Henry or Xavi to have a shot on the goal. Every player in Barcelona is fantastic. The only weakness I can think of is their defence, I strongly believe that Barcelona's defence doesn't like players like Torres, Drogba because they used physical strength and not speed to play football. Alves and Maxwell are all players that can deal with speed. Pique, Marquez, Puyol, Milito too can deal players with speed and technique, what they cannot handle is the physical strength of the playes whereby they will used their body to shield to prevent them from tackling, once a striker can use physical strength to shield the ball, supporting players can run up to the field to provide assist or to allow the striker to make a killer pass. With this type of striker, winger can also pump in crosses hopefully for striker to use his physical strength to head it.
Arsenal do had this type of player, Bendtner is one of the player to be look out for. He had the height and the strength, what he lack is the speed and technique to run past defenders, he still lack a bit of big match experience and he is just 22 years old. There's a saying; If you had the speed, you can play football, that is true. Speed is always the top priority in soccer, Walcott is the type of players where even Barcelona's defenders might fear of IF he had also the skills and vision. Walcott speed is amazing but he lack skills, he can run with the ball and no defenders can win him but you can't always take the ball and just run, you need to use skills to go past defenders or play a nice pass to your team-mate.
I mean I do understand the situation at Arsenal right now, there are too many injuries concern. Many people will think that it is normal for Arsenal to lose to Barcelona with this type of Margin. IF you seriously sit down and think of it, what if Fabregas, Alex Song, Van Persie, Arshavin and Gallas are all in the starting line-up??? Arsenal do had the chance too! Wenger do need to buy some quality back-ups. I do suggest Arsenal to buy Edin Dzeko.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Yo readers
This post will be dedicated to the BPL that is gonna to end and super interesting as this time there are 3 possible contenders snatching for the title. Currently Chelsea 74pts; Man Utd 72pts and Arsenal 71pts but Chelsea had a better goal difference than the two clubs..so anything is possible with just 5 games to go. Seriously it's very difficult to predict which is the final champion coz there is a lot of twist and turn this season this season.
The most worrying matter will be Rooney's injury to Man Utd. Rooney had been a influential player for Man Utd and scored almost over 20 goals. Meanwhile, Man Utd had also a few more injuries to concern about..so stay on like this.LOL.
Chelsea had been a far better team this season in the league..since they are out in the Champion league, they will fully concentrate on the title but there are injuries to concern..
Arsenal meanwhile is in a more disadvantage position whereby there are 3pts behind Chelsea and had the lousiest goal difference among the top 3. Fabregas out for the whole season is a major blow for them.
This post will be dedicated to the BPL that is gonna to end and super interesting as this time there are 3 possible contenders snatching for the title. Currently Chelsea 74pts; Man Utd 72pts and Arsenal 71pts but Chelsea had a better goal difference than the two clubs..so anything is possible with just 5 games to go. Seriously it's very difficult to predict which is the final champion coz there is a lot of twist and turn this season this season.
The most worrying matter will be Rooney's injury to Man Utd. Rooney had been a influential player for Man Utd and scored almost over 20 goals. Meanwhile, Man Utd had also a few more injuries to concern about..so stay on like this.LOL.
Chelsea had been a far better team this season in the league..since they are out in the Champion league, they will fully concentrate on the title but there are injuries to concern..
Arsenal meanwhile is in a more disadvantage position whereby there are 3pts behind Chelsea and had the lousiest goal difference among the top 3. Fabregas out for the whole season is a major blow for them.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Yo readers
It has been a few days since I had an entry because there is nothing to blog nor anything interesting happening around me, therefore I didn't really blog anything. Holiday has almost come to an end and Year 3 is gonna start in about 11 days time.
I took the FTT today and I had passed, this pass means I can finally touch the car and start of practical training, I still quite unfamiliar of how to go on with the booking so I had to ask clearly before booking..play safe or else later u waste ur time and money on wrong things.
If I ever had the chance to wish for something. One of the wish is gonna be "having winter season in singapore". Singapore is just too hot...why must Singapore be hot..I rather had it cooler and even better, snow to cool Singapore LOL...If really Singapore snow then that means something is wrong wif the earth and we shld be careful lOL.
It has been a few days since I had an entry because there is nothing to blog nor anything interesting happening around me, therefore I didn't really blog anything. Holiday has almost come to an end and Year 3 is gonna start in about 11 days time.
I took the FTT today and I had passed, this pass means I can finally touch the car and start of practical training, I still quite unfamiliar of how to go on with the booking so I had to ask clearly before booking..play safe or else later u waste ur time and money on wrong things.
If I ever had the chance to wish for something. One of the wish is gonna be "having winter season in singapore". Singapore is just too hot...why must Singapore be hot..I rather had it cooler and even better, snow to cool Singapore LOL...If really Singapore snow then that means something is wrong wif the earth and we shld be careful lOL.
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